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  • OMTs fantastic eNPS of 68!

    We are extremely proud of our employee Net Promoter Score, which for 2021 is at a fantastic 68 on average, measured on 8 occasions during the year with a response rate of 81% of all colleagues. eNPS is an internationally comparable measure of employee engagement and talks about how willing employees are to recommend their workplace to others. We ask, for example, “How likely is it that you would recommend OMT as an employer to a friend?” An eNPS result can vary between -100 and 100. In practice, anything above 0 is acceptable.

    An eNPS around 20-30 is very good and everything over it is excellent. Our eNPS within OMT ends up at 68, which is exceptionally good regardless of which industry and company you compare with.

    Our values, our culture and our camaraderie within OMT are the basis for the commitment of our colleagues, which makes us as an employer and workplace constantly better. Honesty, commitment, friendship, inclusion, transparency, participation and co-determination are keys to our work.

    How do you do with your employer and current workplace? If you do not recognize yourself, then maybe it’s time to switch to us? Or do you as a customer want help with the culture in your organization?
    Read more about us and who you can contact at
