Lantmännen Agroetanol, AGA
Adaptation and expansion of ethanol plant for the supply of rye gas. Rye gas is carbon dioxide that is not cleaned and worked up. OMT conducted a prestudy and presented investment funds. This Agro plant produces 288 tons of gas / day.
Lantmännen Agroetanol, AGA
- Prestudy was performed 2012 with the purpose of obtain a cost budget for management and storage of gas before delivery
- Project management including budget, schedule and support for procurement of peripherals.
- Project management of circuit systems such as cooling water, fire water, sewage, instrument air, etc.
- Detail planning project of mechanics and pipes, design drawings, component specifications and support for consultants in other disciplines for AGA
- Construction work regarding pipe and tank , as well as upgrading pumps and other components.
- Leading of pipe/mechanics assembly line for the entire plant

Board of directors Business management
Nicklas Söderholm
Owner, Chief Operating Officer, (COO), and HR manager OMT. Project manager
073-659 60 90