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  • OMT Management Consulting keeps growing!

    We warmly welcome Hans Andersson who is a very structured leader with many years of solid experience from the automotive industry, both in Sweden and Europe.
    For the past 20 years, Hans has held various senior positions and he has over 10 years of experience as Quality & Environmental Manager at companies that have delivered products for both passenger cars and heavy vehicles.
    His sympathetic manner makes it very easy for him to meet people and make them work towards the same goal. Hans likes i.a. to work with project management, Lean work, rotor case analyzes, improvement work and internal audits.
    His broad experience fits in well as a consultant at OMT in Management Consulting, where we are happy to work both at management level and the production floor. Hans will start from OMT’s office in Trollhättan and will immediately start helping one of OMT’s customers in the transport industry and rail traffic.
