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  • OMT involved in water cycle project in Colombia and Peru

    Initiated and coordinated by Samanthi Livera at OMT AB a collaboration between OMT, Ankarstiftelsen and Entropika performed a water cycle project in Colombia and Peru during the Easter of 2016. The project was partly financed by OMT with collaboration with the foundation Ankarstiftelsen in Sweden.

    Access to clean water should be a fundamental human right which is crucial for poverty reduction, sustainable development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Along the Amazon River in Colombia, less than 10% of indigenous (native) people have access to potable (drinkable) water.
    The Water Cycle Project aims to improve the living standards of native people and help mitigate the growing impacts of climate change, in areas where governmental support is non-existent.
    A voluntary mission to Colombia and Peru was undertaken during the Easter period in 2016
    This Report contains:
    – A general description of a water treatment process utilizing a simple sand filtering system
    – Details of the water treatment plant installations achieved along the Amazonian frontier in Peru – for 34 houses, 1 school and 1 kindergarten.
    – The annual inspection trip protocol of previous installed water plants for 42 communities along the Amazon River in Colombia.
    9 people from Sweden, 1 from Denmark, 1 from France, 1 from Belgium and 2 people from Colombia gathered to help the villages and families obtain drinkable water. Along the way, local people helped to prepare the foundations of the water tanks together with Entropika water project leaders. The main goals of this project are:

    (1) to provide clean water and basic sanitation through the installation of clean technologies in indigenous communities of the Amazonian frontier between Colombia and Peru,

    (2) reduce the risk of waterborne diseases and

    (3) build a conceptual model of the bio sand filtration system.


    The full report is found here: Report of water project in Colombia and Peru Easter 2016
