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  • New colleague within Mechanical & Plant Lead Engineering!

    We welcome Jonathan Danborg Tammelin to OMT!

    Jonathan comes with experience from the machine manufacturing industry where he previously worked as a
    mech designer before taking the step into international sales.

    During his time as Sales Engineer, he has had close contacts with customers all around the world and has continuously worked with both improvement and development projects as well as problem solving.

    Satisfied customers is very important to Jonathan and he always strives for a high quality of the work he does.
    As a person, Jonathan is responsive, thorough, flexible and eager to take on challenges. He enjoys working in teams and projects where he benefits from his previous experience and skills.

    With an education in production technology and his previous work experiences he also has a broad foundation to stand on and is now ready for new exciting challenges.

    Read more about how and where we can create solutions together at
