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  • Developing our leadership in projects!

    leadership training OMT

    Personal development and growth are something we are very passionate about at OMT. Therefore we’re excited to be able to open up our internal training program again!

    We had about twenty OMT colleagues who had the opportunity to continue working with our leadership in projects through this training. As project managers, we are expected to create excellent results, within a limited time, budget, and also often limited resources.

    Through this training, we increased our understanding of adapting our leadership to the situation and individual, analyzing and managing changes in groups to be able to handle conflicts and stress in a successful way.
    This training step is one of five internal trainings that all of our colleagues are given the opportunity to participate in.

    We work with our self-confidence and increase the awareness of our own ability to handle the leadership role under these conditions.
    We educate ourselves and reflect on where we are, where we want to be, and what we need to change to get there.

    Customer- and employee benefit. We continue to develop ourselves to be able to make our customers the best.
    It’s all about the experience of the outside world, the customer, and the employee.
    We know that our actions make a difference!

    Read more about how & where we can help you with our improved skills at our website. Please feel free to contact one of us here:
