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  • Svenska
  • Piller inom medicin i produktionskedjan.


    Subproject management for rebuilding and service projects. Assisting with technical expertise for the AZ service organization regarding their research and manufacturing equipment.


    OMT’s project manager worked with:

    • Lead of own projects
    • Participate in project work groups for: machine purchases, machine moves, rebuilding, optimization, etc. of robot cells, production lines, tableting machines, capsule livers, process systems, instruments, etc. The roles in the project groups are everything from reviewing and revising electrical drawings, P & ID, automation and other technical support to for procurement with responsibility for time, resources and costs.

    We also help with total responsibility for major internal removals of equipment including. obtain strength calculations, quotes from external suppliers, place orders in SPIRA, etc. The assignment also involves technical support for operations at production stoppages, breakdowns, rebuildings, planning, improvements, etc.

    Examples of completed projects:

    IBC dishwasher

    Rebuilding and PLC software update

    Tablet Machine

    Installation and deployment of new tablet machine with associated equipmentinhalation devices

    Inhalation devices

    Implementation of service and calibration of inhalation equipment


    Rebuilding and technical documentation of after-processing equipment (dammers, metal checkers etc.)

    Lab Fluid Bed

    Prototyping and improvement of Lab Fluid Bed

    Relocation Project

    Responsible for moving a number of Agilent Biocell systems


    Reconstruction and technical documentation of Agilent Biocell systems including performing SAT and more.